Saturday, February 6, 2010
Who's driving your car?

For the past few days now there is this song that has been playing in my head.....In My Car I'll Be The Driver.....the chorus of the song says this: In my car I'll be the driver, In my car I'm in control, In my car I come alive and In my car I am the me now....Ok now the point the writer of this song is trying to make is that the man in her life can be the strong one, have control of the remote and even sleep with his socks on, but when it comes to her car, move over baby....that is her territory. I totally understand this thought. Everyone needs to feel like they have something to say over what goes on in their life, whether it be when and where they drive their car, how they spend their money, etc.....
Ok now let's look at this from a differant point of view, that of our Heavenly Father. He loves us unconditionally, in fact he loves us so much he has given us the gift of free will. We get to chose in this life where we live, who we fall in love with and chose to marry, where we work and I could go on and on.
Now I find myself setting down scratching my head thinking I feel empty inside. I am in school full time pursuing a counseling degree (my passion), in love with an incredible man that I will be marrying soon and have beautiful children that are healthy and well. Things that I have longed and hoped for my whole life. I finally feel like I have some say over things that are going on. I also know that my Heavenly Father loves me and wants the best for me. Ok now some would say "Donna, What is your problem?"
Here is the picture I am getting in my head.....My life is my car....I hand the keys to God and say here you do the driving, I can not drive as well as you. Well now I am in the passenger seat and I see things coming up ahead and think Lord I would really like to get involved here, I think I will take control for a bit. Now the Father will not fight us for the keys to the car or driver's rights. He just says ok. We get in and it feels so good to be in control until a car stops suddenly in front of us we slam on the brakes but not in time and we hit the car ahead of us. We look up to the Father and go wait a minute, this wasn't suppose to happen. Well hmmm....we took control of the wheel...... .
Ok now I think you have the picture....God knows the future and we do not. He wants to drive our car but will not fight for the right to do so.....He loves us so much he is just waiting for the opportunity for us to say "Father, take the wheel". He never promised it wouldn't be scary at times, but in the end the results of our lives will be far more better, when he has the keys.
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