I am sitting at a desk on a Monday afternoon and thoughts of RC Cola, Moon Pies and Strawberry Ice Cream came flooding through my mind. A reason for this could be that I have an RC Cola sitting on the desk. I am also thinking of my grandparents today. Notice Bilbo and Zelma Chain, two people that could have been characters in a cartoon. I think back about being a child and spending time with them at their home in Mississippi. My grandpa and grandma both loved RC Cola, so always had plenty of that to drink on a hot summer day and then grandma (us kids called her granny) liked to put her RC over strawberry ice cream. Doesn't sound like much till you try it...Yummy! Now Grandpa (us kids called him paw-paw) liked his RC Cola and moon pies, another yummy treat. I remember us going to town and getting groceries and paw-paw making sure we had plenty of moon pies and RC Cola in the cart and granny would grab the strawberry ice cream. Eat all of your supper and what a treat before bedtime. Great memories!
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