I am rereading a book that I read sometime ago, Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller....On the front cover it says, nonreligous thoughts on christian spirituality. The first time I read the book I was having what a friend of mine called "a crisis of faith". The book changed my life....I was just on the verge of giving up on my faith....and after I read this.....I came to the conclusion as the author of the book did, that instead of religon....God just wants relationship with us through his Son Jesus Christ. He wants to communicate with us......
To sum it all up I have a friend thats says it this way "It's not about religon, it's about relationship"........In Blue Like Jazz, Don says, "I believe that the greatest trick of the devil is not to get us into some sort of evil but rather have us wasting time. This is why the devil tries to get Christians to be religous. If he can sink a man's mind into habit, he will prevent his heart from engaging God."
I now have relationship with Father God, not based on rules or regulations that man would try and put on me, but based on an understanding of his great Love and Mercy.....It's awesome.....
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