Hmmm...What's on my mind today? Change....I hear people talking about it all the time....I myself want to see changes in my life, physically and mentally....But the big question is...What am I, what are we doing to bring about those changes we want to see happen? Being a christian, I want to look up to heaven and say "Lord would you please get out your magic wand and wave it and then POW...the changes in me and in my situation have happened.....Well folks, I've tried that and it did not work...
I have something I tell those around me and I know they must tire of hearing it......God loves us but he loves us to much to leave us where we are at..... As much as we want to see and have changes happen in our lives, I believe God wants it more. He has equipped us with everything we need to do the job, we just have to have faith, get up and get moving.
Now I am a picture person..... a visual learner and I believe that God speaks to me through pictures....Well one day when praying for and about change, this picture came into my head....I could see a nest and in that nest was myself and I had my head but the body of a bird...Now I could see myself looking up to heaven with my mouth open and waiting for God to feed me....and the words that began to come to me were...."No more worms!"..... I said, "But wait God, who will feed me...how will I make it?" The words that came back...."My child it's time to fly!"
I have something I tell those around me and I know they must tire of hearing it......God loves us but he loves us to much to leave us where we are at..... As much as we want to see and have changes happen in our lives, I believe God wants it more. He has equipped us with everything we need to do the job, we just have to have faith, get up and get moving.
Now I am a picture person..... a visual learner and I believe that God speaks to me through pictures....Well one day when praying for and about change, this picture came into my head....I could see a nest and in that nest was myself and I had my head but the body of a bird...Now I could see myself looking up to heaven with my mouth open and waiting for God to feed me....and the words that began to come to me were...."No more worms!"..... I said, "But wait God, who will feed me...how will I make it?" The words that came back...."My child it's time to fly!"
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