Thursday, May 20, 2010

No More Worms!

Hmmm...What's on my mind today? Change....I hear people talking about it all the time....I myself want to see changes in my life, physically and mentally....But the big question is...What am I, what are we doing to bring about those changes we want to see happen? Being a christian, I want to look up to heaven and say "Lord would you please get out your magic wand and wave it and then POW...the changes in me and in my situation have happened.....Well folks, I've tried that and it did not work...

I have something I tell those around me and I know they must tire of hearing it......God loves us but he loves us to much to leave us where we are at..... As much as we want to see and have changes happen in our lives, I believe God wants it more. He has equipped us with everything we need to do the job, we just have to have faith, get up and get moving.

Now I am a picture person..... a visual learner and I believe that God speaks to me through pictures....Well one day when praying for and about change, this picture came into my head....I could see a nest and in that nest was myself and I had my head but the body of a bird...Now I could see myself looking up to heaven with my mouth open and waiting for God to feed me....and the words that began to come to me were...."No more worms!"..... I said, "But wait God, who will feed will I make it?" The words that came back...."My child it's time to fly!"

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Donna's Thoughts: Sometimes you just have to do the hard thing. . .

Donna's Thoughts: Sometimes you just have to do the hard thing. . .

Sometimes you just have to do the hard thing. . .

This blog comes from a mama's heart....and is one of the hardest things so far that I feel I must write about. You see I have a little boy that is seven years old and he does not live with me. You are thinking now that well he lives with his dad and no he does not. He currently resides with my sister and her husband and children.
It will be a year this May that I made the decision to send my son to live with his aunt and uncle. There are no words to describe what this did to me inside. Tears in my eyes as I sit here and type. I will not go into my past right now and describe circumstances that brought all this about....when the time is right I do hope to share those things.  This has nothing to do with me being on drugs or being an alcoholic, it does have to do with me doing the right thing for my son. My son's dad and I had been divorced for almost five years when my son left. He had been diagnosed  by a child psychologist as ADHD and was acting out horribly at school. His dad nor I had the money to give him the things that he needed. I began to pray for direction for my son's life and felt led to call my sister and discuss with her the possibility of him coming to her home for a year and see how he does. I called her and she talked with her husband and both felt that it would be best for him to stay with them.  I am happy to report my son is doing great. He is in a settled enviroment, being home-schooled and playing baseball and his team is winning. It has been horribly difficult on me, but I know that I know I did the right thing.

I have shared this to let my readers know that sometimes we just have to do the hard thing. Me allowing my son to leave was not about me, I want him here with me.....The best thing I could have done was to let him go......I know from experiance that time has a way of proving things out.....

So what I would say to you my reader is when faced with having to do something difficult and you know it is what you are supposed to do, just take that leap of faith and do it and  TRUST GOD!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Donna's Thoughts: Who's driving your car?

Donna's Thoughts: Who's driving your car?

Who's driving your car?

For the past few days now there is this song that has been playing in my head.....In My Car I'll Be The Driver.....the chorus of the song says this: In my car I'll be the driver, In my car I'm in control, In my car I come alive and In my car I am the me now....Ok now the point the writer of this song is trying to make is that the man in her life can be the strong one, have control of the remote and even sleep with his socks on, but when it comes to her car, move over baby....that is her territory. I totally understand this thought. Everyone needs to feel like they have something to say over what goes on in their life, whether it be when and where they drive their car, how they spend their money, etc.....

Ok now let's look at this from a differant point of view, that of our Heavenly Father. He loves us unconditionally, in fact he loves us so much he has given us the gift of free will. We get to chose in this life where we live, who we fall in love with and chose to marry, where we work and I could go on and on.

Now I find myself setting down scratching my head thinking I feel empty inside. I am in school full time pursuing a counseling degree (my passion), in love with an incredible man that I will be marrying soon and have beautiful children that are healthy and well. Things that I have longed and hoped for my whole life. I finally feel like I have some say over things that are going on. I also know that my Heavenly Father loves me and wants the best for me. Ok now some would say "Donna, What is your problem?"

Here is the picture I am getting in my head.....My life is my car....I hand the keys to God and say here you do the driving, I can not drive as well as you. Well now I am in the passenger seat and I see things coming up ahead and think Lord I would really like to get involved here, I think I will take control for a bit. Now the Father will not fight us for the keys to the car or driver's rights. He just says ok. We get in and it feels so good to be in control until a car stops suddenly in front of us we slam on the brakes but not in time and we hit the car ahead of us. We look up to the Father and go wait a minute, this wasn't suppose to happen. Well hmmm....we took control of the wheel...... .

Ok now I think you have the picture....God knows the future and we do not. He wants to drive our car but will not fight for the right to do so.....He loves us so much he is just waiting for the opportunity for us to say "Father, take the wheel". He never promised it wouldn't be scary at times, but in the end the results of our lives will be far more better, when he has the keys.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hand Over the Gavel Please!

This blog comes from a place of anger. Anger over the words judgement, judged, judging, judge and jury. Ok now one would ask why would should I be angry over those words? Well let's see now I have had judgement brought on me, have been judged and all by those that felt they were judge and jury. Now who would have possibly done this? I believe they call themselves and I am a little embarrassed to say this.....Christians. Why would I feel embarrassed about saying that? The answer to that is because I call myself a Christian. My question to all my fellow Christians out there is "What gives us the right to think we are someones judge and jury?"

Now if I were someone else reading this, I would ask "What brought this on?" Well without going into alot of detail it has to do with something that happened to me about five and a half years ago. I went through a divorce. Now after this divorce there were people that call themselves Christians that would have nothing to do with me and to this day some still will not. I was and to this day am judged. Now let's see there is a book that we Christians read. I believe it is called the Bible. There was a person that is written about in this book. His name was Jesus Christ and I believe He was and is very important to the Christian faith. This being said let me share some of his words : "Stop judging others, and you will not be judged. For others will treat you as you treat them. Whatever measure you use in judging others it will be used to measure how you are judged. And why worry about a speck in your friend's eye when you have a log in your own? How can you think of saying, 'Friend, let me help you get rid of that speck in your own eye', when you can't see past the log in your own eye? Hypocrite! First get rid of the log from your own eye then perhaps you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend's eye." New Living Translation

Now I have been thinking about this judgement thing quite a bit over the last five and a half years and as most things that bug me, the longer I have had to think about them the angrier I tend to get about them. Now I am not just angry at those who have judged me, but I am also mad at myself for allowing myself at times to do the same thing to others. My prayer is "Heavenly Father please forgive your children for playing judge and jury and not handing over gavel and robe to you".

Donna one and one says: Be careful, all your judgements will come back and bite you in the butt!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Donna's Thoughts: The face of a healthy relationship

Donna's Thoughts: The face of a healthy relationship

The face of a healthy relationship

The other day my fiancee' and I were talking when I asked him a question. The question was "How do you know what a healthy relationship is when you have never seen or been in one?" My thought was too that if I have already been through a divorce, what makes me think I could possibly make another marriage work? Well he took time and thought about what I had asked him. He then wrote about it and sent a response to me via e-mail. He gave me permission to share it in my blog and I will do so now.....

The other day I was asked a question, "How do you know what a healthy relationship looks like, if you have never seen one?" My first thought was, she must be crazy asking me this question. I come from a single parent family (father’s death, not divorce) and have failed at my marriage attempt. I am the last person who would know how a healthy relationship looks. I thought about the question for a couple of days. So what constitutes a healthy relationship? Being an avid reader, I have read many books on relationships. These books although different, basically say the same thing. A healthy relationship is based on four things: love, commitment, communication, and trust. Wow, is that why my marriage failed. There was no commitment, no communication, no trust, and if there was any love it was destroyed long before the marriage was over. Let’s put this to the test. The only good marriage I have seen up close and personal was my grandparents. Love, they loved each other deeply. Commitment, they were committed to each other and to God, Communication, they grew up in a very different time. The communication was mostly from my grandfather to grandmother. They were brought up to believe the man was the head of the house and his decisions were final. Trust, they trusted each other and they trusted God. The question was "How do you know if you have a healthy relationship if you have never seen one?" If you keep God in the center of your relationship and share a love and respect for each other, then the communication, commitment and trust come naturally. When I look at the relationship I am in now, I believe we have a healthy relationship. We love each other, are committed to the relationship, our communication is wonderful, we trust each other, and most importantly God is at the center of our relationship. We are a good example of a healthy relationship.

Wow...when I read that there were tears and I had my answer ..... we have love, commitment, communication and trust.....I have never seen or been involved in a relationship with all of these qualities....Do I think there will not be challenges? Oh I know there will be, but with Father God's help we will get through them......Let me challenge you my reader....If you are in a realationship put it to the there love, commitment, communication and trust? If any of these are lacking, talk to the Father and trust me he will help you....after all he has your best interest in mind....